
Make Your Own

Ourzine Library

The Daily


Does my Ourzine save as I work?

Yes. When you sign-up for an account on the Ourzine Workshop and start creating your work will automatically save until the next time you log in. However, you can only work on one Ourzine at a time. You will have to erase the content of your current Ourzine to create another.

Do Ourzines have a word limit?

Yes, Ourzines have an upper word limit of 16,000 words. If you have text you would like to put into an Ourzine that is greater than the 16,000 word limit, you will have to create another.

I’m having trouble using Ourzines on Firefox. What can I do?

The Ourzine Workshop currently works well in Chrome, Safari, and Edge, but it does not work well in Firefox. We are working with Firefox to solve that problem. In the meantime, you can still use the Ourzine Workshop on another browser.

Further Questions?

Email any quesons at info@rorshok.com, we’ll be happy to reply

learn how to print and assemble an ourzine