Our principles
We almost all have smart phones, we need to take this into account when coming together.
The profit motive usually leads to technology that doesn’t do what’s good for us or even what we want it to.
Different people and different groups want to connect in different ways for different purposes.
We should come together in ways that preserve our autonomy, where we are safe, and where we are as equal as possible.
Let's see what works
What used to be called “the news” has become a constant shrill barrage and is less and less connected to where we actually live or what affects our lives. We produce ten minute weekly audio updates on several places and topics.
Reading is a better way to learn and understand than scrolling, but where do we do our reading that will let us calmly concentrate on what we want to know? Books, newspapers, our phone, laptop, Kindle? We built a better way to easily get things on paper, carry, and distribute.
In times like these we want to know what is going on each day. Many of us try to “read the news” on our phones. But that is not easy. Many of the best journalists have left big media outlets and are on their own, the big “papers” often have very long stories that we really just want to get the main point. We each care about different places and sectors. And ideally we’d like to do it without unnecessary distraction and data theft.
It’s often not easy for groups, small or big, to decide things; which restaurant to go to, which movie to watch, which present to buy a coworker. We are almost finished with the easiest, fastest, fairest, funnest way.
How best to bring a group of people together who have a common interest? Often the first question is “which platform”? Email? Facebook? Discord? WhatsApp group? But each of these have huge disadvantages. And even if you choose one platform, there is a great deal of technique on how best to involve people, to keep it easy and fun for all concerned. We are building a way to do this, not dependent on any particular corporate platform.
When a large group of people, interested in a particular topic but who don’t know each other, get together, the usual default way is a conference or a concert where there are those on the stage who speak, or perform and those who are attendees or the audience. But we are building a way for people to come together as equals with the goal of building a community.
Groups of people who work together need to build trust, chat, brainstorm, plan, and work. When they meet or chat, eventually and ideally, they need to decide on tasks that they each should do. But keeping track of those can be difficult for each and all. We’re building an easier way.
Exhausted with gigantic tech monopolies locking you in? Tired of the ennui machine of corporate social media? Tired of being a victim of the surveillance economy? Want a clean, autonomous, focused on-line life but need advice on the best software, and need somebody to help with the off- and on-boarding?
This is all great but how does Rorshok do this stuff, meaning (mainly) how does it make money? We’re working on it.
Nothing can replace meeting people in real life. Every year in April Rorshok hosts an amazing diverse community somewhere in the world. Interested in joining? Write us about who you are and why you’d like to join at info@rorshok.com with Rorshokoba in the subject line.